In the words of Jerri Blank: "I've got somethin' to say!"

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Poppies Will Make Them Sleep

I feel as though I have been suffering from bouts of some form of narcolepsy lately. I'll say up front that this is hyperbole and I don't mean to belittle or trivialize the disease. But I have nodded off the past three times I have been a passenger in a car. I don't have the same spunk and excitement for going out as I used to. It has even been hard to motivate myself to go out in this wonderful weather this weekend to Strouds Run or Fox Lake or Dow Lake or Bong Hill as I certainly would have during my undergrad days. I mean, here I am writing this, looking out the window but not engaging in the outdoors. I will remedy this by at least going on a walk after this. And I really want to orchestrate a trip to Moonville Tunnel, especially for those who have never experienced its glory.
(Here are some photos I have taken at Moonville Tunnel)
I can only hope that by defending my thesis a little earlier in the quarter that I can snap out of this funk and go back to enjoying life. But until then, to my friends with whom I hang out with in the "real world": I apologize for my MIA status as of late, and please be patient as I try to channel a more lively Melissa in the coming month. Fortunately, I have been making excellent progress on my thesis. I have very few revisions to make and a conclusion (5-10 pages) to write. At this rate, it looks as though my committee really will get two weeks to read it before the defense date.

It is official! I defend my thesis on Friday, May 7, 2010. What a relief May 8th will be. And that night I will get to celebrate with lots of friends at Tootharoo '10, a yearly camping trip at my friend Chris' cabin with dozens of our closest friends.

1 comment:

  1. i know what you mean about being tired and unenthusiastic and lethargic... i've been battling that too, believe it or not. love you! & i'm glad your thesis is coming along swimmingly!
